Ezra Productions is an award-winning, woman-owned creative agency and video production company based in Los Angeles and New York.
We create visually stunning, emotionally compelling, intellectually engaging content that captures the hearts and minds of your target audience.
We are passionate about social justice, and we work hard to empower women, minorities, and young people to thrive in the production industry.
Check out Ezra Productions' musings on all things video production, web development, graphic design, photography, and branded content.
How to Elevate Your Brand with Compelling Brand Story Video Production
Learn how to attract new buyers with compelling brand story video production with this comprehensive guide from leading video production company in Los Angeles, Ezra Productions.
Mastering YouTube SEO: A Comprehensive Guide to Optimize Your Video Production for Better Visibility
Enhance your brand’s presence on YouTube with these expert tactics designed to increase visibility and amplify the impact of your video production.
#FemaleFilmmakerFriday: Alanna Brown, Female Video Production Director
Explore the transformative journey of Alanna Brown, a visionary film director and screenwriter, who is driving change in the video production industry while advocating for better representation on screen and behind the camera.