Event Video for NCJW’s Women’s Conference 2013

Video Production Project Overview
In 2013, the National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) came to us with seemed like a simple request. They asked us to produce “sizzle reel” of their annual Jewish Women’s Conference. While meeting with the organization, it became apparent that they weren’t quite sure what they needed, and they asked for our direction. We helped them define the goals for the video, studied their past videos, and researched the best event videos from other nonprofits. We looked at what was going to be discussed in the conference, who the target audience was, and what content would be most compelling for them to see and hear in the video. From there, we crafted a plan to capture the best audio and video content possible on the day of the conference while minimizing costs.
Conferences are not particularly interesting from a visual standpoint, so our cinematographers shot from varying perspectives to add life to the video. We ended up delivering two visually stunning, emotionally compelling videos that told a long and short story about the day in a visually stunning and interesting way, instead of stringing together a bunch of fun but unrelated clips like you’d see in a sizzle reel. We edited both videos within seven days of the conference.
Project Deliverables
One 5-minute video to use within the organization and one 2-minute video to put onto YouTube.
Company Overview
NCJW is a grassroots organization of volunteers and advocates who turn progressive ideals into action. Inspired by Jewish values, NCJW pursues social justice by improving the quality of life for women, children, and families and by safeguarding individual rights and freedoms. NCJW/LA’s annual women’s conference is dedicated to strengthening Jewish women by empowering, educating, inspiring, and connecting multigenerational Jewish women in Southern California through outreach, activism, and awareness.